Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The best ideas

I've said it once and I'll say it again - the best ideas come while I'm in the shower.  I don't know if it's the sweet noise that drowns out the rest of the world so that my creativity has free reign over my mind (funny how you can't hear them, but they can hear you - especially when you're singing.) or perhaps its the soothing massage the warm water beats on my head.  Whatever the reason, my best and clearest thinking of the day comes while I'm lathering up and soaking in a shower.  Not a bath, mind you, but a full-blown, water-wasting, mirror-fogging wonder.  The universe just seems to make sense.

And if you suffer from the aforementioned mirror problem, I have a shower-conceived solution:

Once I went scuba diving and the instructor gave us some sort of spray to keep our masks from fogging.  It seemed to me like dish soap and water.  When we were younger we just spit in our masks and wiped it around, but this seems less barbaric and more hygienic.  In any case, after suffering mirror blight one day, I went out and got some dish soap and rubbed it on the mirror.  Then I took some toilet paper and spread it around.  After wiping all over the mirror till it was evenly spread and I couldn't see the streaks, it no longer fogged.  After a few weeks it started to run, so I applied another coat.  It works great.  And if someone asks you where you learned how to do it, just say you thought it up while *you* were in the shower.  Because - be honest - when has referencing a blog on the internet ever gotten you respect?


  1. So why don't you do the upstairs bathroom mirror?

  2. I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just a random person on the internet. You don't know me.....

    And besides, the purpose of posting how to do it is so that YOU will try it. If I did it for you, what would be the purpose in reading how to do it?
