Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Blah-g

After taking a tour of a few other blogs out there, I've noticed that mine is rather plain.  Others have personal details and pictures.  They are spritely and humorous.  Mine is not.

Since I write this mostly for myself, it doesn't bother me, but I can't help but wonder if people would like a more personal touch?  If you are reading this for any reason, then you need to know - I'm plain.  This blog is a reflection of me.  If you want to get to know me, then what you see should be an accurate reflection.

Anecdote: My freshman year in college I had a huge corkboard that I could put posters and fun stuff that reflected my personality.  Everyone had tons of stuff pinned to their boards.  Mine was blank.  Completely.  I'm not sure why.  Perhaps I liked the austerity of it to contrast with everyone else.  Perhaps I was too lazy to do anything.  Perhaps I was making a statement.  (The lazy theory sounds best.)  Finally some friends cornered me about my lack of flair.  To which I took a precision screwdriver and threw it across the room to stick in the board like a mercenary hurling a dagger.  It remained there and I was never challenged again.

Wanna see if I can still throw a screwdriver?

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