Saturday, November 19, 2011

Darwin and God vs. the Humans

Darwin and his Theory of Evolution have often been pitted against God and Creationism. Each camp coming up with some pretty absurd arguments. (Yes, BOTH of them.) And to me, both have drifted from the moorings of their original intent. Darwin never meant to say life spontaneously occurred in the primordial soup, he simply wanted to explain some of his observations about the variety of life on this planet. And I'm sure God didn't have some of the nutty ideas about the creation that I've seen proposed. The fact is, evolution is not incompatible with the creation and vice versa. The real enemy to both of them is the human race.

Let's break it down.  Darwin's theory rests on "Natural Selection" or what we colloquially refer to as survival of the fittest.  Those possessing traits that help a species survive are passed on to their offspring, thereby shaping the species.  Those that do not posses those traits die, and thereby cease to pass on those traits.  It's a fairly simple concept and one that has permeated every level of modern thought.  Humans, however, not only defy this theory but seem to actively work against it. 

Take eyesight for example.  In the animal world, poor eyesight is a problem.  Animals with poor eyesight can't see predators as well and get eaten.  Humans, however, have used their only natural weapon - intelligence - and created glasses, contact lenses, LASIC surgery, microscopes, telescopes, night vision goggles, and all manner of visual aids to help those with poor sight compensate and ensure that those weak eye genes get passed on. 

But we're even more perverse than that.  Those that are successful in this world and possess in abundance the traits that put man on top are producing fewer offspring while those on the bottom rungs are producing more.  Of course, success can be described many ways, but if you describe it socioeconomically there are several studies that support this assertion.  Rich people have fewer children than poor people.  (And the children aren't the reason they are poor/rich).  For a brilliant dissection of this phenomenon, watch "Idiocracy" - a wonderful satirical commentary on where we are headed as a species.  Be warned - it may contain hard to watch scenes of completely stupid truth.

And what about God?  Well, mankind has been working against Him since time began.  As our morality and values sink ever lower, I'm sure he's contemplating a plague or calamity to wipe us out and start over.

Personally, I think Darwin is sitting next to God watching history unfold.  And every time we think we can solve our problems, they both roll their eyes and shake their heads.

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