Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Souper Salad Incident

Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to weep openly.

Today I took my sweetheart and my two little sweeties to Souper Salad.  It's kinda like Golden Corral -Lite.  All you can eat salad must have been the idea of an American with a guilty conscience about his/her caloric intake.  In any case, my sweetheart had never been there so I decided it would be a good opportunity to build her an "Ultimate Salad" (tm)*  She liked the place and for 6 bucks/person, it was a good deal.  But this isn't the cause for my aforementioned lament.

As we were eating, we were serenaded with light music from past decades.  My heart sank into deep despair when I realized the music was Led Zeppelin's "Black Dog".  Not some jazz/easy-listening/muzak version-the real thing.  I was still a babe when this was released, so it is technically old to me, but this is hard rockin' music.  I blared this music from my stereo in youthful defiance of convention as a young man in college when I had my musical awakening.  It's suggestive lyrics, electric guitars, and funky groove were a great companion to my days of wild abandon.  And to sit there chewing spinach leaves while it played unnoticed in the background broke my heart.  Was I in the wrong place?  Was the song in the wrong place?  This song would have probably caused a riot of complaints to the manager 20 years ago.  And now nobody even noticed it.

Nobody but me.  I don't weep for my lost youth.  We all pass through life at the same speed and I got the same time as everyone else to enjoy.  I spent it well.  I weep for everyone else who can't hear the music and feel the stirrings in them.  All those poor people in Souper Salad today were chewing their cuds, too busy to notice the rock anthem playing.  I hope I never lose that spark.

Maybe they were dead inside...

* Not really a Trademark.  Just my personal claim.  And if someone starts making money on the "Ultimate Salad", I want a piece of that action...

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